Customer Testimonials

What Our Clients Say…

Mark S.

Great class! The instructor, Dave Bleichroth is very helpful and knowledgeable. I met the owner, Dave Nicioli, who was also very helpful. Myself and the 9 other people who took the conceal and carry class with me are glad we went through this company.

Bill D.

I recently attended Shootrite training for my IL conceal carry license. With never before having training in either firearms or laws on firearms, I gained a wealth of knowledge from Mr. Bleichroth and Shootrite training. Very professional, very thorough and definitely dedicated to educating! When you leave, you’ll know you were in the right place!

Lisa H.

These guys are the best! The wealth of knowledge they possess, the infinite patience with newbies questions and the extra time and effort they put into making sure their students are comfortable & well trained in the handling and use of firearms sets them apart from all the rest.

Chad S.

Dave and Dave both had great personalities. Both took this course very seriously as this in not a game. They were there to instruct and make you think of the benefits and the seriousness of what the concealed carry permit entails. It is not just a card. The small class size allows for a comfortable setting in which questions get answered and discussions can be had. I was very happy with the two day class and would recommend it to anyone. I am going to eventually go back and take his Utah class as well. Thank you

Dave and Dave.

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