Customer Testimonials

What Our Clients Say…

Bob N.

With my previous firearms experience and back ground with guns, I just wasn’t aware of how much I really didn’t know! Personally, I was impressed with the amount of information that I received from the 2 day class. It was a blend of classroom instruction, video and hands on. The class was fun and didn’t drag on. Dave Nicioli kept it interesting and moving along. The class material was relevant and some are from the USCCA United States Concealed Carry Association, which I found to be top notch and extremely helpful. The current Illinois Carry Statutes and other handouts were a plus. Dave’s range skills and weapons handling is something to boast about. I was very much at ease and comfortable during qualifying. I would recommend the class to guys and gals, all age groups and even the experienced, as I thought I was!

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